Front-end Lead developer,
Ui Designer.
Hello! I’m a Front-End Developer and Frontend Lead specializing in creating accessible, user-friendly web interfaces with JavaScript / Typescript and related frameworks. With a strong passion for Full-Stack Development, I am skilled at contributing to both front-end and back-end projects using technologies like Node.js, GoLang, and Java. My educational background in UI/UX Design has been a strong plus in delivering design-driven solutions that result in outstanding user experiences. Team player, I also offer mentorship to junior developers, sharing best practices in code optimization, testing, performance, security and design principles to drive project success.
Curriculum PDFFantasia, My Pet Project
Frontend Development
ES6 JavaScript Modules, UMD and AMD
ES6 modules provide a native way to modularize JavaScript code. Unlike CommonJS or AMD, ES6 modules are static, meaning imports and exports are defined at compile time. This allows for optimizations like tree shaking, where unused code can be excluded from the final bundle.
16 Aprile 20249 min
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Promises, Async/Await for Asynchronous Programming
Asynchronous programming is enabling the execution of long-running operations, such as network requests, without blocking the main thread. This approach ensures that web applications remain responsive, providing a seamless user experience.
16 Aprile 202415 min
Read MoreFrontend Development
ES6 Data Structures: Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet
While Map and Set can be directly utilized in React applications for various purposes, including tracking state and ensuring data uniqueness, WeakMap and WeakSet have more niche use cases. Their primary advantage lies in their non-intrusive nature, allowing for garbage collection of objects that are no longer in use, which can be beneficial in specific scenarios to prevent memory leaks
16 Aprile 202413 min
Read MoreFrontend Development
Destructuring, Rest Parameters, and Spread Syntax
Object destructuring enables extracting properties from objects and binding them to variables. Object destructuring can significantly simplify the process of working with objects, especially when dealing with multiple properties or nested objects.
16 Aprile 20249 min
Read MoreFrontend Development
Template Strings and Enhanced Object Literals
Template Strings, also known as Template Literals, are a new addition in ES6 that provide a syntactic sugar for creating strings. They are enclosed by the backtick (`) character instead of the traditional single or double quotes.
16 Aprile 20249 min
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Arrow Functions and Lexical this in JavaScript
Arrow functions provide a shorthand syntax for writing function expressions. They are anonymous and change the way this binds in functions.
16 Aprile 20249 min
Read MoreCore JavaScriptFrontend Development
Error handling patterns and best practices
At the core of JavaScript's error handling mechanism is the Error object. This built-in constructor function creates error objects that can be thrown as exceptions in the code. An Error object encapsulates information about an error, including a message describing the error and, in some environments, a stack trace that details the error's origin.
11 Aprile 202413 min
Read MoreCore JavaScriptFrontend Development
Mutability and Immutability in JavaScript
In the realm of programming, the concepts of mutability and immutability play a pivotal role in how data is handled, stored, and manipulated. These concepts, while simple at their core, have profound implications on application state management, performance, and development practices. In JavaScript, understanding mutability and immutability is crucial due to the language's dynamic nature and the way it handles different data types.
16 Aprile 202421 min
Read MoreCore JavaScriptFrontend Development
Prototypal Inheritance and Class Syntax in JavaScript
JavaScript's prototypal inheritance allows objects to directly inherit from other objects, creating a "prototype chain" that links objects to their ancestors. This chain is the pathway through which properties and methods are accessed and shared across objects.
16 Aprile 20246 min
Read MoreCore JavaScriptFrontend Development
“this” Keyword, call, apply, and bind in JavaScript
The importance of this in JavaScript cannot be overstated—it is central to object-oriented programming in JavaScript, enabling functions to access object properties and methods they belong to. However, its dynamic nature, where the value it holds can change based on the context in which a function is called, often leads to confusion.
29 Marzo 202411 min
Read MoreCore JavaScriptFrontend Development
JavaScript event loop and Concurrency Model
The Event Loop is a core mechanism in JavaScript that allows for asynchronous operations in a single-threaded environment. It consists of the Call Stack, Callback Queue, and Microtask Queue, which work together to manage the execution of tasks. By understanding the Event Loop, developers can write non-blocking code that maintains application responsiveness and optimizes performance.
29 Marzo 202413 min
Read MoreCore JavaScriptFrontend Development
Scope and Closures in React and JavaScript
At its core, scope refers to the context in which variables and functions are accessible within your code. It's the set of rules that determines where and how variables can be looked up, modified, or used. JavaScript, like many programming languages, uses scope as a means to manage and isolate variables, preventing unintended interactions and ensuring that data is accessible only where it's meant to be.
29 Marzo 202413 min
Read MoreCore JavaScriptFrontend Development
Execution Context in JavaScript
In the realm of JavaScript, the term execution context refers to the environment in which the JavaScript code is evaluated and executed. At any point in time, there's always at least one execution context present — the global execution context, which is the default environment where all the code that is not inside a function resides. When a function is called, a new execution context is created for that function, stacking on top of the global context.
11 Aprile 202417 min
Read MoreBest PracticesFrontend Development
Troubleshooting the npm ERR! cb() never called
Navigating through the Node.js ecosystem isn't always a breeze, especially when you encounter the notorious npm ERR! cb() never called! error. This guide provides an approach to navigating this error, ensuring a seamless coding journey.
27 Ottobre 20233 min
Read MoreBest PracticesFrontend Development
Where to write business logic in React: separation of concers for Frontend Interviews
Mastering the skill of separating the business logic from UI components, can significally increase your performance in frontend interviews. Often you will be asked how you would write clean, maintenable and scalable code, you will need to demostrate a deep understanding of React's features and how to leverage them for business logic isolation, this will demostrate your commitment to code quality and your knowledge of best practices.
24 Ottobre 20235 min
Read MoreFrontend Development
React pass component as prop TypeScript: Best Practices and Patterns
React's flexibility is both its strength and its challenge. One area where this flexibility shines is in how components can be passed as props. Let's dissect this concept, exploring various methods and their implications.
24 Ottobre 20236 min
Read MoreBest PracticesFrontend Development
Mastering Frontend Interviews: A Deep Dive into React Virtualized Lists
Frontend Interview Exercises Series, where we help acing frontend development one concept at a time. We will take a look in the creation of React Virtualized Lists, a common exercise you might encounter during a live coding session.
24 Ottobre 20236 min
Read MoreFrontend Development
How to Prepare for a Frontend Developer Interview
In this article, we will explore the key steps you can take to adequately prepare for a frontend developer interview, from understanding the role to mastering the interview process and everything in between.
11 Ottobre 20239 min
Read MoreFrontend Development
10 Essential Frontend Interview Tips for Success
Being well-prepared for a frontend developer interview is crucial to increase your chances of success. To help you ace your next interview, here are 10 essential frontend interview tips to keep in mind.
11 Ottobre 202310 min
Read MoreFrontend Development
Preparing for a Frontend Interview: Tips and Strategies
In this article, we will explore the basics of a frontend interview, key skills required for a frontend developer, pre-interview preparation, strategies for the interview day, post-interview follow-up, and long-term strategies for success.
11 Ottobre 202310 min
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